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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

league of women voters on electronic voting machines

a few days ago (june 11), the new york times and cnn (and many others, of course) ran a story from the associated press under the headline “League of Women Voters Is Split on Paperless Computer Voting Systems.” that story included the quote:

The group has “no reason to believe” computer terminals would “steal your vote,” the league said officially.

Ms. Maxwell said that the league could reverse its stance, but that it was unlikely, particularly before November.

“We’ll continue to look at this issue and others and take our stances based on where we think the facts lead us, not being concerned about anything else except being as honest as we can be,” Maxwell said.

today, the league of women voters apprently reversed their stance:

The League of Women Voters rescinded its support of paperless voting machines on Monday after hundreds of angry members voiced concern that paper ballots were the only way to safeguard elections from fraud, hackers or computer malfunctions.

i guess it doesn’t take too long to make a convincing argument on this subject.

posted by roj at 1:48 am