Belly dance Color Widget
About the widget ( New widget - Please report any strange behavior. Suggestions welcome! )
So, you're a belly dancer, are you? Sure, you've got a mad shimmy, and maybe you can balance a sabre on your nose, but there's so many different kinds of belly dancers out there in the wild world - Cabaret? Turkish? Lebanese? Tribal? Fusion? Tribal Carbaret Lebanese Egyptian Fusion on Stilts with Poi? It's all so confusing, how are you ever going to find your compatriots? With colors, of course! (hey, it works for gangs...) We're here to help - find your color, show your color, and look for colors. Three core dimensions of belly dance boiled down to one 85x85 pixel square, and if you like we'll even put your name on it.
Where do you prefer to perform?
What sort of costume do you prefer?
What style of dance do you prefer?
What is your stage name (optional - used only to personalize your icon, and limited to about 14 characters)?

Thanks to Erik Arvidsson for some of the script-magic, but whose site appears to be defunct as I build this.
Javascript required.
Since you're here, please visit this community dance resource
Javascript required.
Since you're here, please visit this community dance resource