that determinism thing again
i’ve watched with some interest dave sifry‘s adventures with sputnik, because i think there’s a lot for me to learn. today’s lesson comes a few days late (it’s been a strange weekend), but this piece on business models made interesting reading. it’s part of an ongoing dialogue between don park (of smgt-phone fame) and tim oren (of declining social capital in vc fame).
i guess don started this one here. tim’s public analysis offers some real insight into (and evidence of) the experience on the vc side of the world. ultimately, dave had a few things to say (and kudos for seeing sputnik in the abstract).
now, i am given to understand that “tool” is a very bad word in technology and investor circles these days, but, i just have to bring this full circle. this is the issue of determinism, which is one of the thoughts that actually prompted me to start this crazy blog thing. i’m still far from conclusions, but this discussion among the blogs (and now, i guess, i’ve dragged my own into the mix) gives a lot of different, and very interesting, perspectives on the question.
dave’s comments on the new sputnik business model include this statement: “let our customers figure out the business model that was right for them.” twice. in bold.
i couldn’t agree more – it’s a fundamental premise in my current work in the business of music, and it was a fundamental premise in my last major adventure in big business, too. maybe that makes me a tool.