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Friday, December 19, 2003

walk a mile

i wandered into this [demographics may be requested] story at the oregonian, describing an interesting effort to give politicians some perspective.

“I did try, ” said [Multnomah County Commissioner Serena] Cruz, who was allotted $50 a week to feed herself and her husband. “You have to make all of your food. You have to bring your lunch. You can’t get your latte. It’s really hard.”

i’m going to go ahead and take the cheap shot: yes. without your latte, it’s really hard.

$2.50 (tiny boring latte at starbucks) * 7 (days a week) * 2 (people) = $35.

and with that out of the way, what i really want to do with this post is draw attention to the walk a mile program. most of us don’t have a staff (or legal exceptions) to smooth life over around all the legal messes and policy decisions that our politicians create.

perspective is a good thing.

posted by roj at 4:05 am