machinegun file sharing
what happens when you mix an abusive business model with a person and a microphone? you get a speech on the trouble with filesharing…
sister machinegun, dna lounge, june 16So, everything we’ve played — see, I give this speech every night, I mix it up a bit. We call it an “Audience Specific Interlude.” Like, at this point, I’ll say something about something tht happened to me in San Francisco…. and I’ll make it “amusing…”
Anyways, everything we’ve played in this set up to this juncture, this crossroads, this… interlude… is released on Positron Records, which we own and operate, the representative of which [at the merch booth] will be happy to supply you with a fix in that regard, for a modest fee which will go toward letting us sleep in a hotel room instead of the van…
Everything after that juncture (that interlude) is released on Wax Trax Records. which means it’s owned by — actually it’s not owned by TVT Records, it’s owned by Credit Suisse. so technically speaking, the first four Sister Machine Gun albums are released on Credit Suisse, a Swiss bank, which is kind of cool when you think about it.
The point being, I don’t get fuckin’ paid for that shit, not a dime, not a single red cent. So you can go ahead and go home, and — hey, you can download it right the fuck here, they got WiFi. Just get up on Morpheus or some fuckin’ thing and get that shit for free.
Anyways, with that said, here we go.
and for the record, i should be more of a dna-groupie than i am.