be careful the example you set: pre-emptive doctrine comes to iran
as the acknowledged sole superpower, the united states is left with a curious burden when it comes to international relations. we get emulated.
Iran May Pre-Empt Any Attack on Nuke Program -TV [reuters, august 20, 2004]Iran might launch pre-emptive strikes to protect its nuclear facilities if they are threatened, Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani said in remarks broadcast on Friday.
“We won’t sit with our hands tied and wait until someone does something to us,” Shamkhani told Arabic channel Al Jazeera when asked what Iran would do if the United States or Israel attacked its atomic facilities.
“Some military leaders in Iran are convinced that the pre-emptive measures that America is talking about are not their right alone,” he added in Persian. His comments were dubbed into Arabic.
well, there you have it, the first official statement from an “axis of evil” country that proves that they do pay attention to what the united states does (and not just what it says). so the bush doctrine has come to the islamic world, and now we all live under the threat of pre-emptive attack for any perceived threat.
don’t make any suddent moves. don’t look them in the eye. don’t make any loud noises.
no, i do not feel safer now.