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Tuesday, August 3, 2004

general mcpeak rips bush

as with most of america, it seems the military is split on the presidential race… in this corner, you have the swift vets that think kerry is unfit as a commander in chief. in the other corner, there’s retired air force general tony mcpeak, a former dole and bush 2000 campaigner, who stepped up to deliver the democratic radio address this past weekend.

“We built the team that won World War II. We put together the great team that won the Cold War. That’s why what has happened over the last three years is such a tragedy, such a national disaster. Rebuilding the team won’t be easy.”

i guess someone will have to hack together a website comparing the military medals lined up behind each of the presidential candidates now. i’ll see your rear admiral with my general and raise you a captain and three purple hearts, two green clovers, a yellow moon and six blue diamonds. i just hope they break out the data by state so we can do some electoral college analysis.

posted by roj at 4:40 am