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Friday, August 20, 2004

teach your children well, at gunpoint

this is not my justice department…

Justice Says Guns-Drawn School Raid Legal [ap via abc news, august 20, 2004]

A guns-drawn raid at a high school last year did not violate civil rights laws and the case is closed, the U.S. Justice Department said.

Fifteen officers entered Stratford High School’s main hallway and ordered 130 students to the floor Nov. 5 of last year. They used plastic ties to handcuff 18 students and school officials opened and searched 17 book bags using a drug dog.

Police found no drugs or weapons, but the raid frightened children, provoked marches and lawsuits and brought national media attention and the resignation of the school’s longtime principal.

the original story is covered here with video. the memory hole has more, including an unidentified person in what appears to be a military uniform.

at least these high school students are getting comfortable with our new security state.

posted by roj at 6:27 am