cracking down on the ducks
in an important development in the campaign to make america safer, it seems that authorities in nashville have successfully driven the vibrating ducks out of the city.
Sponge Duck Toy Creates Buzz in Tennessee [ap via abc news, oct 13, 2004]Katherine Williams says the yellow ducky sponge she put on sale at a flea market is merely a child’s toy. City officials say the vibrator inside makes it a sex toy.
But officials in this Nashville suburb backed off from citing Williams for violating the city’s sexually oriented business ordinance because she had already taken down her display by the time police responded to complaints Saturday. Nearby vendors also refused to be witnesses in the case.
we may be safer for now, but we’re not safe. the perpetrator and authorities have set themselves up for an epic battle next year:
Williams said she’ll be back at the flea market next year.
“If she does, she’ll be cited into court,” [Nashville City Administrator Ken] York said. “That duck is a sexual toy, and it was on display. That was a vibrator on display in public view.”