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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

pushing the homosexual agenda

Cross-Dress Tradition A Real Drag [cbs news, november 17, 2004]

A homecoming tradition in which boys dress like girls and vice versa in a tiny Texas school district won’t be held Wednesday after a parent complained about what she regarded as the event’s homosexual overtones.

the complaining parent is one delana davies, backed up by the liberty legal group

Cross-Dress Tradition A Real Drag [cbs news, november 17, 2004]

“It’s like experimenting with drugs,” Davies said. “You just keep playing with it and it becomes customary. … If it’s OK to dress like a girl today, then why is it not OK in the future?”

well, as long as we’re clear that it’s never ok to dress like a girl….

more interesting is that the school district has replaced this tradition with a new one – camo day. encouraging children to dress up in camoflage and black boots.

if it’s ok to dress like a soldier, then why is not not ok in the future?

violence is always a better message to send to kids than sex.

welcome to your future, children. hello columbine.

posted by roj at 7:43 pm