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Monday, December 6, 2004

eduardo delacruz: doing the right thing

once upon a time, a police officer refused a direct order from his sergeant to arrest a homeless man, and for that he was punished. of course, the punishment could’ve been worse. he literally put his job on the line because he wouldn’t arrest a homeless man in new york.

Conscientious Cop Punished Anyway [ap via abc news, october 29, 2004]

In a written decision finding Delacruz guilty, a department judge found that “by deciding which orders he would obey, the (officer) is treading on a slippery slope that would undermine the leadership and viability of the department, if unchecked.”

and this leaves us with the question… is following a questionable order what we expect of our law enforcement personnel, or do we demand the standard we have held others to: “i was just following orders” is no excuse.

it’s an old story, from 2002 – i picked up on it in october from the ap wire when the decision to suspend delacruz brought it back to life, but i did find some more contemporary material

so, a nod from me to eduardo delacruz. thanks for stepping up.

update: this just in from the new york post gazette. i guess i’m not the only one to revisit this story this week.

posted by roj at 3:26 am