tell us about it, mr. president
in a follow-up to this post about making up any excuse to invade iraq, tonight, i stumbled into congress, or rather, some part of congress, potentially stepping up to their constitutional responsibilities.
the democrats of the house judiciary committee have written a letter [pdf] asking some questions about all this. it opens:
We write because of troubling revelations in the Sunday London Times apparently confirming that the United States and Great Britain had secretly agreed to attack Iraq in the summer of 2002, well before the invasion and before you even sought Congressional authority to engage in military action. While various individuals have asserted this to be the case before, including Paul O’Neill, former U.S. Treasury Secretary, and Richard Clarke, a former National Security Council official, they have been previously dismissed by your Administration. However, when this story was divulged last weekend, Prime Minister Blair’s representative claimed the document contained “nothing new.” If the disclosure is accurate, it raises troubling new questions regarding the legal justifications for the war as well as the integrity of your own Administration.
signed by 88 members of congress, i imagine this will vanish in the news cycle very quickly. it was written may 5, and it certainly took a while for me to find out…