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Saturday, July 10, 2004

the white house has been dismissive

back in february, we made note of the union of concerned scientists and their report on bush administration agendas driving policies.

several months later, the same group took on the missile defense plan.

this week, we find that the bush administration sold [bbc, july 8, 2004] the missile defense agenda to australia. the heritage foundation noted the bbc report, and made a point of reminding us that south korea, japan, britain, and israel have also been drinking the same kool-aid. heritage, of course, has it’s own spin on the missile defense, which i’m happy to link next to this analysis. make up your own mind.

but, it doesn’t stop there… those crazy scientists are still at it, and issued a new press release on the bush administration’s interesting relationship with science.

New Cases of Scientific Abuse by Administration Emerge [union of concerned scientists, july 9, 2004]

“Had the White House taken action to rectify this situation, and discontinue practices that threaten the public health and safety of Americans, we would not be here today,” said Dr. Kurt Gottfried, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Cornell University and Chair of the Union of Concerned Scientists, during a reporter briefing. “Instead, the White House has been dismissive of the scientific community’s concerns and new cases of unacceptable political interference have come to light. As a result, the number of scientists willing to speak out has grown exponentially.”

this is interesting, if for no other reason than i’m fairly confident that dr. kurt gottfried actually understands what “exponentially” means.

posted by roj at 3:40 am