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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

doj still thinks it can get back a secret

Libraries ordered to destroy US pamphlets [boston globe, july 24, 2004]

The federal Government Printing Office has ordered libraries across the country to destroy five US Department of Justice pamphlets that provide how-to instructions on prosecuting asset forfeiture cases, invoking a rarely-used authority to order the removal of items the government routinely sends to hundreds of libraries

two problems with this.

1) is that the documents aren’t being destroyed because they are classified, but because “the Department of Justice has determined that these materials are for internal use only.”
2) the subject matter seems to be “asset forfeiture law,” particularly how to build an asset forfeiture case. that gives me the impression that asset forfeiture is now a hot topic in the department of justice. that’s a problem, because in our adversarial legal system, the prosecution is required to disclose its strategy and bears the burden of proof. or maybe not so much anymore.

kudos to the librarians for fighting back on this one. the secret is out. it’s too late. power to the readers.

posted by roj at 2:11 am