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Sunday, December 7, 2003

simon and garfunkel help define a new high end

the pair is in the middle of a 42-date tour, and just reported results for the first 14 dates. so rather than wait for the final answers, i thought i’d play with some numbers for a bit.

12 of the 14 reported dates were “sellouts” (this may not mean what you think it means, but that’s ok). reported gross is $22.4 million with attendance of 209,679.

$22.4 million/14 = $1.6 million per show.
209,679/14 = 14,977 people per show.

$1.6 million * 42 = $67.2 million for the tour.
14,977 * 42 = 629,034 people for the tour.

a quick flashback to the revenue of top music acts shows that this projection puts simon and garfunkel right in the neighborhood of sir paul mccartney, and way above the next-runner-up rolling stones.

there’s the new plateau for tours: $60+ million. that’s a lot of ramen.

anything less and you’re just not serious.

posted by roj at 11:06 am