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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

preparing for a date

it seems that the army’s technologists are busy busy beavers lately. not too long ago, they discovered oobleck. today, news from downunder tells us about the latest in food technology for the combat soldier:

US military cooks up ‘add urine and eat’ rations [Australian Broadcasting Corporation, july 22, 2004]

United States food technologists have invented dried rations that a soldier can rehydrate by using dirty water or even his own urine, the British weekly New Scientist reports.

The ration is surrounded by a plastic membrane made of a nanofibre that, according to its inventors, can filter out 99.9 per cent of microbes and the most harmful toxic compounds, allowing only clean water to get to the preserved food.

i can’t wait for the names the grunts come up with for these…

Jellyfish could yield next Viagra [the age, july 22, 2004]

“Irukandji syndrome is something that happens to you that might kill you,” she [James Cook University irukandji researcher Lisa-Ann Gershwin] said. “Preparing for a date involves not having irukandji syndrome.”

ms. gershwin is correct. irukandji syndrome is much more like actually being on a date.

Jellyfish could yield next Viagra [the age, july 22, 2004]

The sting from an irukandji tentacle can cause irukandji syndrome, entailing severe pain, anxiety, paralysis and a potentially fatal rise in blood pressure.

Researchers have found that one rare species also causes an extra symptom of prolonged erections in male victims.

yep. i’ve been on that date.

i am irukandji montoya. you are beautiful. prepare to date.

[via boingboing]

posted by roj at 10:45 pm