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Monday, December 6, 2004

stephen hawking on war crimes

i think this guy needs to get back to figuring out the universe. it bothers me that he’s compelled to address issues like this at all.

Scientist Stephen Hawking Decries Iraq War [ap via abc news, november 2, 2004]

“The war was based on two lies, ” said Hawking. “The first was we were in danger of weapons of mass destruction and the second was that Iraq was somehow to blame for Sept. 11.

“It has been a tragedy for all the families that have lost members. As many as 100,000 people have died, half of them women and children. If that is not a war crime, what is?”

if stephen hawking can get out and speak at a demonstration, i should be doing more myself.

posted by roj at 4:21 am