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Friday, April 9, 2004

Bruce Edwards


posted by roj at 5:11 am  

Thursday, April 8, 2004

condi and the quest for a silver bullet

evidence, i think, that the current american administration thinks we citizens are fools.

dr. condoleeza rice has been trying to make the case that there was no silver bullet that could stop the september 11 attacks – and, of course, she’s right. it’s not a simple problem. there isn’t one vampire to kill.

sound-bite length, but hardly a real response. her job description doesn’t include vampire hunter – she’s supposed to grasp the complexity of global security policy issues. she didn’t convince me that she has that grasp.

she did, on the other hand, convince me she has a political agenda.

posted by roj at 5:33 pm  

Thursday, April 8, 2004

putting scalia on the record

the guardian (and others) are picking up an ap story about reporters being ordered to erase recordings of a speech given by supreme court justice antonin scalia.

scalia is a big fan of the constitution…

supreme court justice antonin scalia

The Constitution of the United States is extraordinary and amazing. People just don’t revere it like they used to.

he also seems to think that he is above the office. as a public official (appointed by reagan in 1986), he should be on the record.

i guess the problem is that scalia knows what happens when he is on the record – he recently ran into a bit of trouble for some things that were on the record and some people think might have influenced his perspectives on a case (or two…).

no record, no trouble, eh?

not in my america.

posted by roj at 9:22 am  

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Niki Sullivan


posted by roj at 11:50 pm  

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

reason magazine gets personal

it’s a technology demonstration. it’s a statement. and it’s open to much interpretation.

the new york times has the story [registration may be required] that reason will be putting customized satellite images of subscriber’s homes on the cover of each copy.

Nick Gillespie, editor in chief of Reason

Our story is man bites dog. Everybody, including our magazine, has been harping on the erosion of privacy and the fears of a database nation. It is a totally legit fear. But they make our lives unbelievably easier as well, in terms of commercial transactions, credit, you name it.

posted by roj at 11:14 am  

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

war president

from american leftist, mirrored here (1890×2290), here (800×953) and here (400×463) and used as an entry page at michael moore, a portrait of an american president.


go here to read more about the piece.

[via boingboing]

posted by roj at 11:07 am  

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

radical. a new battery

from an nec press release, word of a [really, really] quick-recharging battery.

posted by roj at 10:56 am  

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

on longevity in the music business

dolly parton

I will never retire. I hope to fall dead in the middle of some great event or some great song I’m singing. Then they’ll say, ‘Oh well, she went happy and doing what she loves.’


Four years ago, ABBA was offered $1 billion to reunite. The answer was ‘No.’ But what if that figure doubled?

“No, not even if you did that,” Ulvaeus told Reuters.

“It is never going to happen again. I think it is a bit too long now. We split up in 1981. People haven’t seen us as a group since then and it would come as such a disappointment to them.”

so dolly will die on stage, and abba will never return to the stage.

i guess it’s important to note that abba’s probably still making a decent wage with the $750+ million grossing “mama mia” musical…

posted by roj at 3:02 am  

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Pierre Koenig


posted by roj at 2:03 am  

Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Paul Atkinson


posted by roj at 4:03 am  
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