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Saturday, October 16, 2004

Bruce Palmer

buffalo springfield

posted by roj at 1:12 am  

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Robert Lissauer

music historian

posted by roj at 1:11 am  

Friday, October 15, 2004

any electorate can make a tragic mistake

it’s a good thing someone is writing while i’m not….

supporting kerry anyway.

barlow brings a bit of german perspective on the american election…

That’s how it looks to the Germans too. The idea that we might actually re-elect George Bush is unfathomable – indeed, inexcusable – to them. As one of them put it to me, “We can forgive you for electing him once. As we ought to know, any electorate can make a tragic mistake. But if you elect him twice, we will start fearing you Americans as much as we currently fear your government.”

posted by roj at 7:17 am  

Friday, October 15, 2004

reagan on bush

The Case Against George W. Bush

i’m not sure if this essay makes me a rationalist or a “crypto-Islamist car bomber” but i will not be voting for bush (had you figured that out by now?).

posted by roj at 7:15 am  

Friday, October 15, 2004

more on the war on ducks

pirates and emperors

(duck at the end)

posted by roj at 6:29 am  

Friday, October 15, 2004

cracking down on the ducks

in an important development in the campaign to make america safer, it seems that authorities in nashville have successfully driven the vibrating ducks out of the city.

Sponge Duck Toy Creates Buzz in Tennessee [ap via abc news, oct 13, 2004]

Katherine Williams says the yellow ducky sponge she put on sale at a flea market is merely a child’s toy. City officials say the vibrator inside makes it a sex toy.

But officials in this Nashville suburb backed off from citing Williams for violating the city’s sexually oriented business ordinance because she had already taken down her display by the time police responded to complaints Saturday. Nearby vendors also refused to be witnesses in the case.

we may be safer for now, but we’re not safe. the perpetrator and authorities have set themselves up for an epic battle next year:

Williams said she’ll be back at the flea market next year.

“If she does, she’ll be cited into court,” [Nashville City Administrator Ken] York said. “That duck is a sexual toy, and it was on display. That was a vibrator on display in public view.”

posted by roj at 4:57 am  

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Helen Gee

the photo gallery

posted by roj at 2:16 am  

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Maxime A. Fage

space designer

posted by roj at 5:22 am  

Monday, October 11, 2004

music promotion model:

just a quick tip on – launched with some fanfare a while ago, it now seems that the stink of scam has come to jetgroove. i haven’t had a chance to verify any of the ground-level situation, but apparently, material is showing up on jetgroove quite to the surprise of some of the creators.

it’s a globe-spanning operation (registration in the united kingdom, operations in russia, servers in canada, music from around the world), so pretty much anyone with material available in digital format is at risk.

so, before you go too much further into your musical career, it may be worth checking out jetgroove and see if your material is hiding in there somewhere. unfortunately, it looks like it’s an opt-out sorta situation:

JetGroove officially states that if any record label or any artist is not interested to have one’s tracks on, one should inform JetGroove immediately and all the information JetGroove has about one’s tracks will be taken off the website ASAP.

not so much a case of buyer beware, but creator beware.

posted by roj at 8:17 pm  

Monday, October 11, 2004

button updated

just in case anyone still has trouble reading, the comment-posting button has been revised from “I agree to the terms above” to “I agree to all of the posting terms for this site”

reading is still the visitor’s burden. if you don’t feel like reading the terms or you think your ad campaign is somehow an exception to the “no spam” rule here at the meta-roj blog, just remember, you may be tracked down and your efforts displayed in public.

posted by roj at 6:59 pm  
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